• Blog,  Marketing TIps and Tricks

    Troubleshooting a Failed Marketing Campaign

    Campaigns Fail.  Shocking, right? It can be devastating when something you put days of work, and thousands of dollars into, has doesn’t perform. So, what do you do when you have a failure? First, try your best to diagnose what happened. This isn’t always possible but below are some steps that might help you narrow in on the cause. Once you have an idea of what went wrong, you can figure out how to handle it. Check all the campaign mechanics.  Ensure it really was a failure.  1-Was tracking setup correctly? Could the leads be there, just not identified as being from this campaign. 2-Double check all the links, landing…

  • Blog,  Marketing TIps and Tricks

    Email Testing – A Must Do

    While email testing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your email results, it is a step many marketers skip. Why? Either the marketer doesn’t know enough about testing to try it, they don’t have enough time to think about it,  or there is so much pressure to push things out, they don’t have a few days to let a test play out. All answers are bad answer because if they stop, breath and take a few minutes to plan ahead, there is no logical reason to skip testing. So, what what is an email test? A well executed test allows you to send out two…

  • Blog,  Presentations

    Navigating the Online Marketing Universe #HITMC17

    I am excited to be presenting again at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference.  This year’s topic is Navigating the Online Marketing Universe and my focus is giving some insights into all the different online marketing channels being used by healthcare marketers. While many marketers are familiar with these channels, at last year’s conference I spoke with many recent graduates and people who had recently joined their marketing team after years in another career and were hungry for information.  Even long time marketers may not be familiar with the channels they aren’t using. The map below shows my view of the online marketing universe.  It is a high level…

  • Blog,  Presentations

    The Real Story about Marketing Automation Solutions

    In April 2016 I was honored to be one of the speakers at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference held in Atlanta.  The conference is an exciting opportunity for marketers from all aspects of Healthcare to get together and learn tips, tricks, best practices and network with a small group of dedicated professionals.  The conference is one of the highlights of my year. My presentation was about Marketing Automation solutions such as Marketo, Pardot, and Eloqua.  Most people don’t realize how challenging, and yet wonderful they can be.  Below are my slides and I would love to answer any questions you may have directly. The Real Story About Marketing…

  • Blog,  Marketing TIps and Tricks

    5 Ways to Get More Leads Out of Your Webinars

    Webinars are one of the best tools for B2B marketers to gather and nurture leads. Having produced well over 50 sessions, I have learned a few tricks to get the more leads out of each one. First, the most important thing you need to do to maximize your number of leads is create your own registration form instead of using the one provided by your webinar provider. You’ll see why in a minute.  Most marketing automation solutions have a build in integration with the major webinar providers. There are also a number of form providers that offer integration.   Tip 1. Ask qualifying questions on the registration form. Add a…

  • Blog,  Marketing TIps and Tricks,  Presentations

    Marketing Tactics You Should Try Today

    Last year I presented at the 2nd Annual Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference.  It was one of the most useful marketing conferences I have attended and I highly suggest it to anyone in healthcare IT. The topic of my presentation was “Marketing Tactics You Should Try Today”.  It focused in on some of the more successful ways I have found to reach physician practices. Below are the slides I presented. Marketing Tactics You Should Try Today presented at HITMC from Cheryl Pederzoli

  • Blog,  Marketing TIps and Tricks

    5 Marketing Tricks From the Healthcare IT and PR Conference (HITMC)

    Last week I attended and presented at the Healthcare IT Marketing and PR Conference (HITMC) in Las Vegas and walked away with a number of new things to try. 1. To build the “wow” factor during presentations, schedule tweets to post out as you are presenting. It makes it easier for your audience to share your message and is a great way to share the links and resources you are talking about. The effectiveness is dependent on having perfect timing so practice your presentation at least a few times. 2. Treat your content like Thanksgiving turkey. Create it and then carve it up into smaller pieces you can use in other venues.…

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    Thanks for Visiting

    Thanks for visiting. I want to be your go-to marketing expert. I thrive on solving marketing challenges, creating demand for companies, and developing compelling content in an easy to digest formats. As an employee, my focus is on the creation of leads that will convert to sales, and all the associated activities that contribute to the delivery of those leads. As a consultant and speaker, I educate marketers and professionals on the importance of marketing, how to market their organization to build their business, and tips to make marketing more effective.